Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Worthing Local Group Report - Thursday October 3rd 2024

Our evening on October 3rd began early at 7.00 pm to accommodate the necessities of the SDFS Annual General Meeting (the minutes and annual account sheets can be made available to any SDFSinger upon request). A total of 26 singers attended or arrived soon after.  

After a short break and some reorganisation of chairs and tables, Emily took the lead and the real business of the day, our singing, began soon after 8.00pm - starting with the "Brisk Young Ploughboy".   "All Among the Barley" came next - and had to be sung twice to ensure we used the correct tune!   "One For the Rook"  and   Oak, Ash and Thorn"  flowed more smoothly with no need for correction, as did the "Lammas Carol"  for which a brisker pace was maintained.  After "My Downland Remembered" we took time out from the longer songs to try Alan's new "Harvest Round", successfully and enjoyably managed in 3 parts. (The words for this are on the "Rounds and Catches" page of the Blog) .  

Amaryllis then presented the new verses she has written for a revised version of her "Michaelmas" song - with some repetition needed to correct our rendition and unify the pace and emphases in the lyrics. After that she sang for us a 'new' song,"The Friendly Beasts" (with words from a 12th Century carol but set to a new tune she has written). It has an interesting calypso style rhythm enjoyed by us all, and we look forward to learning and singing it at the Extra sessions planned for our 'festive' songs, and then again at our next session at the Barn. 

As the clock ticked on towards the close of the evening, "Country Life" was requested to radiate its bright, positive mood beyond the Barn with some fellow singers (unwell, so not at the Barn) in mind. On this positive note we stacked the chairs, made our farewells and looked forward to the next opportunities available to sing together - at the Extra sessions, in our other local group sessions in Lewes and Chichester - and of course at the Barn again on November 7th.  As autumn moves into winter our song choices, for public events and the sheer pleasure of singing them, will probably include some of Remembrance as well others, by contrast, heralding the Festive season and even the New Year.   How time flies!

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