Monday, October 21, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday October 17th 2024

11 singers, joined the evening for the October Chi SDFS meet up.   
A few rousing tunes on instruments opened this month’s meeting – Simon of the Chichester Fringe was likely to attend this meeting and a demonstration of variety of performance was required.  Alan indicated that whilst Simon was in attendance, the group would sing “tried and trusted” material to create best impressions!
In the meantime and whilst waiting, the group launched into a rehearsal of some Wintery songs to prepare for forthcoming gigs.  "The Woodcutter’s Song" went well and was set as a definite for performing out.  "The Fields Lie Silent" followed – noted not to start slowing down mid-song!   "Poor Froze Out Gardeners" maintained the wintry theme following which a few carols were introduced for the upcoming season.  Although Alan expressed doubts about there being enough ladies present, "Pentonville (While Shepherds Watched)" worked well and was followed by "The Angel Gabriel" and "Hark the Herald Angels" with reminders to express consonants whilst singing.  "Masters in This Hall" completed the carol session as Simon from the Chichester Fringe arrived and a demonstration of the possibilities of performance followed.
The well-known "Country Life" was sung resoundingly followed by "Bee Boys" and at Dave G’s suggestion, a further drinking song "Ale Glorious Ale".  Steve W did his usual excellent explanation prior to each song.  "One for the Rook" followed by a few typical tunes on instruments completing the mini demonstration and Simon thanked the group and would liaise further with Julia and Alan to discuss details for the 2025 Chichester Fringe event.
A welcome break followed!
The second half of the session carried on in Christmas mood and we tried a few more carols.  All verses of the "The Falmer Carol" went particularly well and were followed by a few newer additions to the repertoire first tried last year:  "Now Christmas is Come" (DG suggesting it really needs to go with a “lilt”) and "When it’s Christmas Time".  Alan suggesting that the latter two were ready to be sung out this year.  For the last part of the session, Julia introduced and we started to learn, her new song "The Oak King and the Holly King".  The group made a very good start at this brand-new offering.  So at the end of a very busy session – well done all, the group finished with a rousing "Deck the Halls". 
Anne S

(P.S.  "Cotillion" (including Anne and Alan from our SDFS Chichester Group, with their colleague Bonnie) will be performing a Sussex Calendar folk show in Findon Parish Church on Friday 8 November, 7.30 start.  The rural year from Candlemas to Wassail in song, verse and narrative.  Tickets £6 (all profits in aid of the church) - further details below.)


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