Monday, September 16, 2024

Notice for the S.D.F.S. Annual General Meeting - Thursday October 3rd 2024 - 7.00pm at "The Barn"

As required by our Constitution - our A.G.M. is happening soon ........

It will be held at our most central venue - the "The Barn" (next door to the English Martyrs Church, Goring Way, Goring-by-Sea, W.Sussex, BN12 4UE) on Thursday October 3rd 2024 starting at 7.00 until 7.45 pm.

It precedes our Worthing local group's October session - so after a short break at around 7.45, from 8.00pm we will use the rest of the evening for our singing as usual. 

Singers in all 3 of our Local Groups are invited to attend and join in this joint event.   
(Any new singers planning to attend the Worthing session for the first time - you are very welcome too but, for this month only, please be aware of the later start time for our singing.)  

The AGM is our end of year review - a forum for sharing feedback and ideas - and an opportunity to discuss plans for 2024/25. Your contributions are invited - so please let us know of anything you'd like to air at the meeting, and even if you can't attend it can be raised on your behalf. 

The meeting also requires singers to elect the officers and members of the SDFS committee/steering group.  The key offices are ChairpersonTreasurerMain Events Secretary - with a Minutes Secretary being a much needed support role in addition to these.

If you would like to stand for election to a specific role or to be a committee member - or to nominate another willing singer to do so - please identify your and their names to go into the ballot (seconders for nominations will be invited at the meeting).  

Voting will take place at the meeting by a show of hands and carried by the majority present.  (If you cannot attend the meeting to vote but would like to have a say about who you'd like to see elected - please send us details for your contribution to be taken into account.)

It will be great to see as many singers there as possible (the Barn is big enough to take us all!) - and we look forward to getting the essential business of the meeting done, some productive discussion and planning completed - and then still have time for another Jolly Good Sing!

See you there!

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