Sunday, September 22, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday September 19th 2024

A good number – ie 17 singers, joined the evening for the September Chi SDFS meet up.   

The evening had been geared to the expected visit of the Chichester Fringe representative who was assessing the group with a view to a booking at the Chichester Fringe next year.  However, he was not now able to attend so the song list could change from the “tried and trusted” to the more adventurous newer material.  It was also a good opportunity to try out likely material for the forthcoming harvest time gigs.

So, with that in mind, the first song tried was "Brisk Young Ploughboy" which went well once it had been established that the second verse had been discontinued.  This was followed by a very successful rendition of "All Among the Barley" which had been proving a bit tricky up until now.  "Lammas Carol"  followed as Alan pointed out it hadn’t gone particularly well at the Fernhurst event, possibly because of a change in timing since it had originally been learned.  It went well this time.  

Amaryllis led the group through a new set of words suited to the Autumn season, to the tune of 'Poor Froze Out Gardeners' which she had called "Michaelmas".  It was decided to try it again in the second half and get those at the Worthing practice in a couple of weeks to try it.  By popular request "My Downland Remembered" followed which went very well.  It being agreed that this particular song was best reserved for indoor performances as it was fairly quiet and thoughtful.  "Harvest Moan", the tongue in cheek version of 'Plough the Fields and Scatter' was next.  Amaryllis singing the verses and all joining enthusiastically in the choruses.  Alan pointed out the importance, particularly in this song, of the audience being able to clearly hear the words, hence the solo for the chorus.  This brought the first half to a close. 

"Oak and Ash and Thorn", complete with full harmonies opened the second half.  Alan then introduced an Autumn round for the coming season.  It was a familiar tune with suitable words and an unusual arrangement!  Hopefully to be tried again at the Worthing practice (and it will soon be shared on the "Other Songs to Try" and the "Rounds" pages of the SDFS Blog).  "Rambling Comber", a brand new addition to the repertoire, was successfully learned with all seeming to get to grips with the tune ready for the potential addition of harmonies next time.  The group had another try at the "Michaelmas" song.  "Farmer’s Toast" was the penultimate song with Dave G suggesting it should “move a little more quickly” to general agreement.  It was impossible to go without finally singing a lusty "Rolling Home".

Anne S

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