Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lewes Priory by Candlelight – Saturday 14th September

We were pleased (and relieved!) to take part in this delayed event which was organised by Southover Bonfire Society and took place next to the ruins of the part-demolished medieval Cluniac priory. The event had been planned for the previous week but was postponed due to torrential rain, and we nervously scanned the weather reports in the following days. 
The weather was kinder today when ten singers from the Lewes and Worthing local groups arrived for the sound check in blazing sunshine. After lining up at the Helmet statue (presented by the local MP to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Lewes), we were met by people dressed as monks and carrying flaming tar lanterns, who escorted us along the path lined with hundreds of fairy lights back to the stage area.
We sang eleven of our best loved songs including “Country Life”“On Sussex Hills”“Pleasant and Delightful” and “Rosebuds in June”. Our set had started late so apologies to those who had wanted to hear the two Belloc and Kipling songs which we skipped to finish on time. The audience was spread out in small groups throughout the large Priory Park. Those in the front rows nearest to us appeared quietly appreciative. Although they were a little shy when invited to join in on choruses, we could see lips moving and people nodding in time. Dusk fell just as we sang “Fade slowly in the dying light as darkness folds around” in “Fields Lie Silent” and when we ended with “Thousands or More” bright Phoebe had long departed from the sky. 
The other acts, the Archway Choir and Lewes Goes Gospel, followed in darkness to end a magical and atmospheric event, where the plentiful and varied food and drink from the stalls dotted around the park were equally welcome. 

(Thanks to David, Jerome & Rebecca for photos)

Lewes Local Group Report - Monday September 16th 2024

 Lewes Local Group Report – Monday September 16th 2024
A waxing gibbous moon was visible in the evening sky as we gathered at the Lewes Arms for our September session. This was the fourth time at our new venue, into which we have settled happily. Some eight apologies for absence had been received for various reasons including Covid. However, with suitable throat lubricants in hand, eight singers – five gentlemen and three ladies - assembled in the upstairs room of this more than two hundred years old pub. 

We were most pleased to welcome a new member from Crowborough who decided to join after seeing SDFS performing at Stanmer Park in Brighton earlier this year. We very much look forward to welcoming him back next month. 

Prior to the evening Tina had sent out a list of 40 songs that we will concentrate on in the next three months. They are colder season songs, together with some general songs which are on rotation throughout the year. 

During the first half we sang “Littlehampton Collier Lads”, “Oak Tree Song”, “Loyal Lover”, “Ha’nacker Mill” “Oak, Ash & Thorn”, “Come Stranger, Come Friend” and a new song to us, “Rambling Comber”

Parish notices during the mid-session break were mainly a ‘heads up’ from Tina for forthcoming events over the next few months including the 8th November lunchtime concert at Brighton Unitarian Church, 12th January Wassail at Stanmer Park and the SDFS AGM on 3rd October, with encouragement to attend and/or stand for the committee. There was also a brief review of the performance at Lewes Priory on 14th September, and Tina will provide feedback to the organisers. The room at the Lewes Arms will not be available for our December session, but two singers offered to host us at their home in Saltdean, subject to family commitments [this has now been confirmed]. 

Then back to the singing with “Jolly Woodcutter” (another song new to most of us, collected by Lucy Broadwood of Rusper), “Poor Froze-Out Gardeners”, “All Among the Barley”, “Hard Times of Old England”, “Love And the Ball”, “Lark In the Morning” and finally “Parting Song”. 

The moon was riding brighter and higher in the sky when the session ended at 10pm, and we each wended our way home. In the lyrics of folk singer and songwriter Reg Meuross the word ‘moon’ seems to feature quite often. However, this is perhaps not the case for the SDFS where, instead, the emotive words ‘ale’ and ‘beer’ seem to pop up fairly regularly! 

[Note from Tina: Funny you should say that, David. We session leaders had noted the lack of moon songs in our repertoire a while back, and I think I have found one from local singer-songwriter the late Maria Cunningham which I will be suggesting as a song to try very shortly…watch this space…]

David C

Monday, September 23, 2024

A Song to Try - A Harvest Round

Alan has offered this round.  


Cut the Wheat 
Stack it neat
Take it to the miller
So all can eat

"After all groups have sung this through several times, the first groups finishes on 'Take it to the Miller' and continues to sing this line, The other groups follow behind continuing to sing this line so all are singing it until the leader indicates to all to finish with the last line of the round together."

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday September 19th 2024

A good number – ie 17 singers, joined the evening for the September Chi SDFS meet up.   

The evening had been geared to the expected visit of the Chichester Fringe representative who was assessing the group with a view to a booking at the Chichester Fringe next year.  However, he was not now able to attend so the song list could change from the “tried and trusted” to the more adventurous newer material.  It was also a good opportunity to try out likely material for the forthcoming harvest time gigs.

So, with that in mind, the first song tried was "Brisk Young Ploughboy" which went well once it had been established that the second verse had been discontinued.  This was followed by a very successful rendition of "All Among the Barley" which had been proving a bit tricky up until now.  "Lammas Carol"  followed as Alan pointed out it hadn’t gone particularly well at the Fernhurst event, possibly because of a change in timing since it had originally been learned.  It went well this time.  

Amaryllis led the group through a new set of words suited to the Autumn season, to the tune of 'Poor Froze Out Gardeners' which she had called "Michaelmas".  It was decided to try it again in the second half and get those at the Worthing practice in a couple of weeks to try it.  By popular request "My Downland Remembered" followed which went very well.  It being agreed that this particular song was best reserved for indoor performances as it was fairly quiet and thoughtful.  "Harvest Moan", the tongue in cheek version of 'Plough the Fields and Scatter' was next.  Amaryllis singing the verses and all joining enthusiastically in the choruses.  Alan pointed out the importance, particularly in this song, of the audience being able to clearly hear the words, hence the solo for the chorus.  This brought the first half to a close. 

"Oak and Ash and Thorn", complete with full harmonies opened the second half.  Alan then introduced an Autumn round for the coming season.  It was a familiar tune with suitable words and an unusual arrangement!  Hopefully to be tried again at the Worthing practice (and it will soon be shared on the "Other Songs to Try" and the "Rounds" pages of the SDFS Blog).  "Rambling Comber", a brand new addition to the repertoire, was successfully learned with all seeming to get to grips with the tune ready for the potential addition of harmonies next time.  The group had another try at the "Michaelmas" song.  "Farmer’s Toast" was the penultimate song with Dave G suggesting it should “move a little more quickly” to general agreement.  It was impossible to go without finally singing a lusty "Rolling Home".

Anne S

Monday, September 16, 2024

Notice for the S.D.F.S. Annual General Meeting - Thursday October 3rd 2024 - 7.00pm at "The Barn"

As required by our Constitution - our A.G.M. is happening soon ........

It will be held at our most central venue - the "The Barn" (next door to the English Martyrs Church, Goring Way, Goring-by-Sea, W.Sussex, BN12 4UE) on Thursday October 3rd 2024 starting at 7.00 until 7.45 pm.

It precedes our Worthing local group's October session - so after a short break at around 7.45, from 8.00pm we will use the rest of the evening for our singing as usual. 

Singers in all 3 of our Local Groups are invited to attend and join in this joint event.   
(Any new singers planning to attend the Worthing session for the first time - you are very welcome too but, for this month only, please be aware of the later start time for our singing.)  

The AGM is our end of year review - a forum for sharing feedback and ideas - and an opportunity to discuss plans for 2024/25. Your contributions are invited - so please let us know of anything you'd like to air at the meeting, and even if you can't attend it can be raised on your behalf. 

The meeting also requires singers to elect the officers and members of the SDFS committee/steering group.  The key offices are ChairpersonTreasurerMain Events Secretary - with a Minutes Secretary being a much needed support role in addition to these.

If you would like to stand for election to a specific role or to be a committee member - or to nominate another willing singer to do so - please identify your and their names to go into the ballot (seconders for nominations will be invited at the meeting).  

Voting will take place at the meeting by a show of hands and carried by the majority present.  (If you cannot attend the meeting to vote but would like to have a say about who you'd like to see elected - please send us details for your contribution to be taken into account.)

It will be great to see as many singers there as possible (the Barn is big enough to take us all!) - and we look forward to getting the essential business of the meeting done, some productive discussion and planning completed - and then still have time for another Jolly Good Sing!

See you there!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Song to Try - Michaelmas - New Words

This is an update to the song "Michaelmas" offered by Amaryliss Gunn (see the post of 3rd September 2022)

Sung to the tune of ’Poor Froze-out Gardeners’, you'll find the updated lyrics and tune using the links below.

(October 7th 2024 - This song has been moved to our "Songs and Recordings" Page)

Please find it using this page link

Worthing Local Group Report - Thursday September 5th

With some regular attendees missing (deterred perhaps by the bad weather or by other demands on their time) but welcoming a new singer joining us at this session - we closed the Barn door on a very wet September day and collectively banished the early autumnal gloom with another evening of song.  After meets and greets some brief notices were shared, about up-coming events and also about the October 3rd meeting at the Barn which also hosts the SDFS AGM.   (The AGM business will be between 7.00 and 7.45ish, then a break, before singing from 8.00pm.  Details are on the Diary Page and a full notice will be on the Blog News Page soon.)

With September in mind, and the events we have this autumn season, we eased our voices in with some "Ale Glorious Ale", before taking ourselves "All Among the Barley"  followed by "The Turmut Hoer" !  Time was then given to a new song for us "The Rambling Combers"  which talks of the people in the days before machines took over, who did essential work in the process of preparing the wool from fleeces towards it becoming yarn.  It was tried with support and guidance from Alan, David and Anne who sang it for us, with melody plus high and low parts - and we all agreed it was an interesting and pleasing one to sing and well worth taking forward at future sessions.  (It can be found on the "Other Songs to Try" page of our Blog.)   Resuming then with more familiar material we continued with "One For the Rook" and the "Lammas Carol" before taking a break.  

The "Brave Young Ploughboy" brought us back, before raising a "Farmer's Toast", and with more harvest products in mind, the "Bee Boys Song".  The summer's end with autumn harvests as we move towards winter was conjured in the beautiful "Fields Lie Silent", and "The Magpie" with it's many warnings maintained a rather sombre mood, although it's also a jolly good sing!

As a brighter diversion towards the end of the evening, by special request Emily led us through the chorus of a song new to most of us - "The Bramble" (from the same song collection that includes the "Oak" song we have also enjoyed).  Emily patiently taught us line by line - and once mastered we then applied our learning to singing it as a round - which was an enjoyable challenge, and we hope to try it again at another session. 

With time running out on us, "Rolling Home" was chosen as our song to close the evening - to then look forward to meeting again with any or all SDFS singers, from all three of our local groups, at our AGM and our next sing at the lovely Barn at 7.00pm on Thursday October 3rd. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Song to Try - The Rambling Comber

A song offered by Alan. This song was recorded in 1893 in Horsham by Lucy Broadwood from the singing of Henry Burstow. Also collected by the Hammond Brothers from Robert Barratt of Piddletown of Dorset and published in the Dorset Volume of Cecil Sharp’s FOLK SONGS OF ENGLAND. Wool combing was a male dominated industry, although isolated spinners would spin their own wool. Combers were itinerant, travelling from village to village in search of work.

(August 9th 2024 - This song has been moved to our "Songs and Recordings" Page)

Please find it using this page link

Friday, September 6, 2024

Rain Stops Play, and our Singing, at Lewes Priory on September 7th

Sadly, due to the bad weather this week the organisers of the Candlelight event at Lewes Priory tomorrow evening, September 7th, have decided to cancel this week and postpone the event to next week, September 14th.

Here's hoping the sun returns and dries things out before then and a lovely evening will be had by all.

We also have hopes of the sun shining on our daytime singing at Fernhurst Furnace's Open Day on Sunday September 15th (at around 12 noon and 2.00pm) in the wooded area near the furnace. 

Thereafter we look forward to singing at the Weald and Downland Living Museum again on Saturday October 12th during their "Hedgerows and Harvest" weekend event.

And there's more to follow from us in November and December - so watch this space - or join us sooner at one of our local group sessions in Worthing, Lewes and Chichester - for more details see our Diary page and New Singers page.