Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday July 18th 2024

Eleven singers, joined for month’s Chi SDFS.    

Julia, one of our regular Chichester SDFS attendees, suggested that a small group of SDFS might like to take part in a Chichester Fringe event in the summer of 2025 (likely end of May, beginning of June).  There was a discussion about it and Henny agreed to take it to the SDFS Committee and Stephen A undertook to send out a circular email to the Chichester Group to gauge interest.
The singing part of the evening then opened with a confident and lusty rendition of "Ale Glorious Ale" followed by an equally strong "Turnip Hoer" sung well by the six men present.  It was noted that most of those chaps present were going to be at the forthcoming East Clayton Farm event and would easily manage a good sound on the day with a men/ladies split of the song.  Alan introduced and slightly altered the presentation of "Riding on a Donkey" which would also feature at the event.  The slightly less well known "All Among the Barley" was tried next with an understanding that people from a folk background were likely to already know a slightly different version which made it tricky at times, however it was felt that a successful outcome using the blog version was achieved.  It would be nice to practice this at Worthing ready for Autumn “gigs”.  "Three Drunken Maidens" (from the Isle of Wight, once part of the kingdom of Sussex!) followed as well as discussion about actual words which has been recently updated on the SDFS website.  To complete the first half, the ladies tried "Green Grow the Laurel" and it was agreed that harmonies (who weren’t really present this evening) would enhance the final sound.
The second half began with a bright "Jolly Woodcutter" – a song that had been introduced at the Broadwood to Belloc course some years ago.  It was agreed that it was a good lively tune but possibly the words didn’t always quite make sense!   "Lammas Carol"  followed – using a more rhythmic pace to avoid a “dirge”.  Alan re-introduced a great patriotic song, "England For Me" written by a local composer.  All joined in as they started to remember it.  Dave G suggested a slight variation in the tune at the end of each first verse which effectively joined the two parts of the verses together to make one complete verse.  It was agreed that this worked well and Alan would submit a revised version to the SDFS blog.  "Ale Glorious Ale" followed by "Rolling Home rounded off the July evening in a hearty fashion.
Anne S

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