Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Our next event - East Clayton Farm Open Day - Saturday July 27th

On Saturday July 27th we will be singing at the East Clayton Farm Open Day.

The Farm is situated on the north side of the Washington to Storrington road, and the event runs from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

w: www.eastclaytonfarm.org.uk


Storrington Road, nr Washington


RH20 4AG

We are glad to support the Farm at this event, and we look forward to singing two sets in this lovely setting - the first at 11.30 a.m. and another at 1.00 p.m.  

So come along to see us, find out more about the valuable work done at the Farm, and enjoy the day!

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday July 18th 2024

Eleven singers, joined for month’s Chi SDFS.    

Julia, one of our regular Chichester SDFS attendees, suggested that a small group of SDFS might like to take part in a Chichester Fringe event in the summer of 2025 (likely end of May, beginning of June).  There was a discussion about it and Henny agreed to take it to the SDFS Committee and Stephen A undertook to send out a circular email to the Chichester Group to gauge interest.
The singing part of the evening then opened with a confident and lusty rendition of "Ale Glorious Ale" followed by an equally strong "Turnip Hoer" sung well by the six men present.  It was noted that most of those chaps present were going to be at the forthcoming East Clayton Farm event and would easily manage a good sound on the day with a men/ladies split of the song.  Alan introduced and slightly altered the presentation of "Riding on a Donkey" which would also feature at the event.  The slightly less well known "All Among the Barley" was tried next with an understanding that people from a folk background were likely to already know a slightly different version which made it tricky at times, however it was felt that a successful outcome using the blog version was achieved.  It would be nice to practice this at Worthing ready for Autumn “gigs”.  "Three Drunken Maidens" (from the Isle of Wight, once part of the kingdom of Sussex!) followed as well as discussion about actual words which has been recently updated on the SDFS website.  To complete the first half, the ladies tried "Green Grow the Laurel" and it was agreed that harmonies (who weren’t really present this evening) would enhance the final sound.
The second half began with a bright "Jolly Woodcutter" – a song that had been introduced at the Broadwood to Belloc course some years ago.  It was agreed that it was a good lively tune but possibly the words didn’t always quite make sense!   "Lammas Carol"  followed – using a more rhythmic pace to avoid a “dirge”.  Alan re-introduced a great patriotic song, "England For Me" written by a local composer.  All joined in as they started to remember it.  Dave G suggested a slight variation in the tune at the end of each first verse which effectively joined the two parts of the verses together to make one complete verse.  It was agreed that this worked well and Alan would submit a revised version to the SDFS blog.  "Ale Glorious Ale" followed by "Rolling Home rounded off the July evening in a hearty fashion.
Anne S

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Lewes Local Group Report - from Monday June 17th 2024

Ten singers came to our first session at the Lewes Arms (on June 17thand voiced appreciation of (in no particular order) the traditional pub in its central location; the characterful upper room with ample space and windows onto the street; the reserved sign awaiting us on the door; the excellent acoustics; the genial and helpful barman who found the mute for the speaker; the beer and the “proper” cider; and the tasty pickled eggs! 
With the surroundings having been declared as thoroughly fit for purpose, we then settled down to sing, with the usual mixture of old and new songs, looking ahead to future seasons and events. We warmed up with “Drink Me Brave Boys” then turned to songs about nature and rural pursuits (“All Among the Barley”, “One for the Rook” and “Oak Tree Song”),  quieter reflection (“All Things are Quite Silent” and “Life of a Man”),  love (“Hares on the Mountain”) and life at sea (“Littlehampton Collier Lads” and “They Won’t Let Us Go to Sea Any More”).
During the break we caught up with news including holidays, children, an upcoming marriage (congratulations to Celia who displayed amazing multi-tasking by sewing buttonholes on her husband-to-be’s wedding shirt while singing) and a recent bereavement. There was also discussion of upcoming events, particularly the Lewes Priory concert where we look forward to being led on stage by candle-carrying “monks”.
The second session continued with a song not sung for several years, “Stedham Oysterman’s Donkey”, a relatively new song, “Love and the Ball” (which concerns the local sport of stoolball) and “Parting Song” before closing proceedings with old favourites, “East Sussex Drinking Song” and “Thousands or More”.
A good evening all round. We already feel at home in our new venue and look forward to meeting any new singers who would like to join us in future.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Worthing Local Group Report - Thursday July 4th 2024

Whilst General Election voters were busy in the Barn on July 4th we met in the church next door for this month's session. After a slight delay to getting in and then to finding the lights for the church (with thanks to two church parishioners there at the time for their help in resolving this) we started the session.  From then on, with a short break midway for breath, chat and a sup or two, we sang our way through 16 songs, with a mix of options for our forthcoming event at East Clayton Farm (on July 27th) and requests from the floor (or on this occasion, pews).

Alan, and later Amaryllis, took the lead (Emily being needed elsewhere so unable to join us). Alan started off with Ale Glorious Ale", "Jim the Carter Lad" and "One for the Rook" before introducing a novelty song intended for use at the East Clayton Farm event (where they care for donkeys and do organised walks with them) - "Riding on a Donkey".  This was familiar to many, and with the help of having the words available from the SDFS Blog, we sang it though at a jaunty pace.  Alan smoothed out some of the pace and phrasing - and all agreed the structure for performance purposes would benefit from limiting the chorus to follow a pair of verses, and then to sing it twice at the end to conclude. (This revised layout will be updated on the Blog's 'Other Songs to Try' page.) 

Amaryllis then stepped in to lead us in "Old Adam" and "Rolling in the Dew", two of our 'classics', and although not often sung recently both were readily sung and enjoyed in their conversational parts by the men and women present.  Some fine tuning on the phrasing in the second of these  helped to unify us in the first line of the second verse, with 2 beats each to "may" and "go" - and Amaryllis suggested that "kind sir" in the women's response lines be sung with more mock reverence.  "Run of the Downs" came next and needed a little more guidance and focus to revive the tune accurately, including slowing the pace in the final verse to finish (without a chorus at the end). 

After the break, Alan resumed with "Lammas Carol", proposing and leading us in a bolder brighter rhythm which worked well. Continuing the more upbeat pace we gave the jolly "Three Drunken Maidens" another enjoyable airing, and the "Turnip Hoer" also went down well with the men's voices leading and the women supporting the choruses.  A little prematurely we sang the "Parting Song" before some more requests: the "Smugglers Song" and then the "Song of the South Downs" which was a bit of a challenge for those less familiar or a little rusty with it - but we managed all the verses nonetheless!  That left us with "Summer is A'Coming In Again" using all the original verses (including the latter ones inspired by the mummers plays traditionally performed in winter months by Morris dance sides) - before the evening closed with "Rolling Home".

We'll be back in the Barn for our next Worthing session on August 1st - hope to see you there.


Friday, July 5, 2024

Please Note - Revised Plans for our Extra Sing on Highdown Hill - Saturday July 6th 2024

The 'summer' weather is playing tricks on us again, so, with apologies for any disappointment, plans for a second attempt to meet for an open-air 'social sing' on Highdown Hill have once more had to change.

Angela has kindly offered her garden as an alternative and more sheltered setting for the session to go ahead on Saturday July 6th - with arrivals from 10.00a.m. to start singing at 10.30 (finishing at about 12.30 to conclude the session by 1.00pm).

If you've already submitted your name to the list of attendees for the Highdown plan you should by now have heard from Angela personally by email - but if not and you are interested in attending her garden session, please contact us on the "South Downs Folks Singers" email (southdownsfolksingers21@gmail.com) to let us know and we will send you more details.

Space in the garden is obviously more limited than on Highdown - so if wanting to attend, please let us know as soon as possible (and by 6.00pm today July 5th) to have a chance of securing a place. 

Even if summer has taken a break - the SDFS will keep on singing!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Reminder - Worthing Local Group session - July 4th

Don't forget - it's a Polling Day on Thursday July 4th - and the Barn where we usually meet will be in use for the General Election - so we will be meeting next door in the Church.

Please access our session by the Church's front door - NOT via the Barn - arriving from 7.15pm for a 7.30 start.

See you there!