Thursday, May 23, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday May 16th 2024

Nine singers, came along to take part in this month’s Chi SDFS, the main aim of the evening to practice material due to be performed at events due in June at the Three Moles Pub in Selham, organised in part by Dave G and at Amberley Chalk Pits where Alan will lead a good number of SDFS singers.


Dave G briefly outlined the plan of the evening at the Three Moles event and it seemed a perfect opportunity to sing Gordon’s "Three Moles" song, written when the SDFS used to regularly meet at this pub. The group, with Dave and Gordon’s guidance, managed to learn and/or remember and sing it through a couple of times with a view to having another go later in the session.  The session continued with selections from both lists of proposed songs to be sung at the events.  "Oak and Ash and Thorn" was followed by "The Ebernoe Horn Fair" both sung with confidence considering they hadn’t been tried for some time.  "The Nightingale" was easily performed although there was some variance with words depending on when members had printed their copies!  It was important to ensure that all sing the same on the day.  Alan led on to "My Downland Remembered" as he particularly wanted to include this at Amberley Chalk Pits. "Turnip Hoer" followed and it was decided that the men could lead on this as there were enough strong voices due to be at the event. 


Alan took a moment to stress the importance of all SDFS singers ensuring they watch whoever is leading when performing.  It is essential to keep good timing and start and finish together!


Two further songs planned for the Three Moles concluded the first half of the session "Sussex By the Sea" (traditional words) and "Summer is a Coming In" with newly written last verses now approved by author Mick Ryan.


The second half opened up with a pretty confident rendition of the "Three Moles" song again and "The Cuckoo" which Alan said had proved a bit difficult to get right in the past but he felt it was such a good topical song, it was worth persevering. A rousing "Jim the Carter Lad" followed, again with some debate about differing words.  "Come Stranger Come Friend" went pretty well considering it is a relatively new addition to the repertoire.  Noone could resist an enthusiastic finish with "Rolling Home" which hopefully sent everyone on their way with confidence for the next month’s SDFS performances.


Anne S


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