A good crowd of 31 singers contributed their voices to a mix of songs for our September session, bridging the seasons and looking ahead to our events in November and December.
But first - we began by taking a few moments to reflect on the sad news of the death of our good friend and fellow singer Sue. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her, and in his absence our condolences were expressed to her husband David. They were both in our thoughts during the evening as we lifted our voices to Sue in our songs and singing.
Under Emily’s careful leadership we opened with one of SDFS' favourite anthems “On Sussex Hills", before moving on to “One For the Rook", the “Lammas Carol” and “The Oak Tree” (with the slightly shorter structure of verses and choruses as tried and agreed last month, concluding with repetition of the last line in the final verse). Emily introduced a ‘song to try’ by Hilaire Belloc, taken from the songs used in the "Broadwood and Belloc" songs project: “Delicate Flower”. Known and well remembered by those who had learnt it during that project - we sang it through - but in discussion of it afterwards the vote was split on whether or not to take it forward in the SDFS. Discussion of other possible choices from the ‘B&B ‘ project ensued - including the "Loyal Lover”, known and favoured by many, so we sang that one too. Likewise the “Turtle Dove”, another favourite, was requested and duly sung after the break.
“All Among the Barley” concluded our songs from summer into autumn - before making a seasonal shift (with groans from some!) towards our repertoire for the 'Festive Season'. Not everyone had these songs available in their folders, so choice was limited to those best known from memory (or from the few SDFS songbooks available for loan at the session). “Deck the Halls” broke the festive ice, and resistance subsided, so we pressed on with “Holly Bears a Berry”, the“ Gloucestershire Wassail”, and by popular demand “Sweet Chiming Bells”. Having used up the time available this evening, reminders were given about the extra sessions planned in October and November for the singers who have volunteered to perform and who will, all too soon, be singing to the public at our festive events.
We then closed the session in quieter tone and reflective mood with “Life of a Man”, with sadness but also many fond memories of lovely Sue, her friendship and all she brought to the SDFS. R.I.P.
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