Monday, February 6, 2023

New Year Update

After the pleasure and success of our singing at the the Weald and Downland Living Museum's Advent Market and at Petworth House before Christmas, and then the fun of sharing our songs at the Tarring Village Wassail and also Sullington Barn's "Sing and Stomp" in a very chilly January - our three local groups are up and running again as usual at their monthly sings in Worthing, Lewes and Chichester - and we're looking forward to another musical year.  

Planning for this year's programme of SDFS public performances is under way, with some things already pencilled in on the calendar from April through to December 2023.  Dates and details will gradually appear on out Diary Dates page, and full details will be shared with our singers to invite their contribution.  (SDFSingers - please keep an eye on your email inboxes for our messages about these.) 

N.B. - If you are exploring our Blog because you are organising an event, and you're interested in having us there to sing for you - please refer to our guide notes for Organisers to be found on this Blog, and drop us a line on our email:

Or - If you've just found our Blog and would like to join us at one of our local groups - drop us a line to let us know and we'll look forward to meeting you.
A special date definitely inked onto our calendar is our own, private, social event in March, when our annual "Revels" party for all our singers is happening again after a gap of 3 years due to the intrusion of Covid.  It'll be great to gather and celebrate with singers from all three of our local groups. (SDFSingers, for more details please check the invitation email sent to all.) 

Although it's now February, it's not too late to say another "Happy New Year' to all our readers!

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