Friday, April 19, 2024

Chichester Local Group Report - Thursday April 18th 2024

A small but vocal group of ten singers gathered for this month's sing, with two more, weary from their busy day, arriving much later just in time for our last few songs.  Although missing the company and voices of Alan, Anne and Stephen A, we were all ready for a good old sing - but our start was somewhat delayed by low light levels in the area we usually occupy (albeit boosted by a cheery string of fairy lights). There being no solution to this, a move to the other better lit bar area was negotiated with our amiable hostess, and once settled around the tables there we began with "Country Life" before another 14 songs, some in group, some solo, some half and half!  

The songs requested or offered moved on to revival of an old, not much used of late, favourite "Rolling in the Dew".   "Hard Times"  came next, then, with Chris and Lyn leading on the verses, "To Be a Farmer's Boy" - which we agreed would be a good one to learn better and use more often.  Gordon offered to lead on his "Three Moles" song (in anticipation of the Chichester SDFS group singing again at the pub of this name in Selham for our June 20th meeting).  Those familiar with his words joined in and as usual everyone enjoyed it.  

The "Farmer's Toast" flowed well, which maybe inspired the next two: "Fathom the Bowl" and the "West Sussex Drinking Song" which covered the tos and fros of individual refreshment breaks and kept the singing going.  The next popular choice was "Summer is A'coming in Again"- this time sticking with the original verses of the song (whilst in discussion also complimenting the additional verses Alan has provided).  "Smugglers' Song" preceded "Saucy Sailor", the latter another one not often sung by us but we just about managed the narrative of verses split between men and women.  

After a late arrival, Les offered and sang to us a "1930s protest song" about "The Man Who Watered Down the Workers Beer" by song writer Paddy Ryan.  Changing mood and direction to conclude the evening on a seasonal note we sang "It is the First of May" and "Hal n Tow" (including the added first verse) - leaving just "Rolling Home" for our finale and farewells.

With thanks to all for their contributions, and a few apologies for absence in advance for the May meeting, this month's session, as convivial as ever, closed.



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

ALERT ! ! - Cancellation of Lewes Local Group's April Meeting - and Change of Plan for Future Sessions

This month's (April) meeting of the SDFS Lewes Local Group was cancelled yesterday and regrettably there will now be an interim, temporary suspension of our Lewes Local Group's monthly sessions in Lewes.  

Unfortunately the arrangements made with The King's Head pub were concluded yesterday - so the search for another venue for future sessions is now under way.   

Tina, our Lead in the Lewes group, will be discussing future plans with the group's regular singers - in the hope that a new venue can be found as soon as possible. 

(NB - Any offers of a new home for the sessions would be gratefully received to add to these discussions - so if you have a new 'home' to offer or you can suggest a possible venue, please drop us a line on our SDFS email address.) 

We thank the managers at the King's Head for their hospitality in the past - and we extend apologies to any singers who may not have seen Tina's message giving notice of this change before travelling there yesterday evening.

Please watch for updates about arrangements for our Lewes Group, on this Latest News page and on our Diary Dates page. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

SDFS Public Events - Update

The clocks have changed, the Spring has just about sprung and the days are getting longer (and we hope warmer and drier) - and our public performances for 2024 are underway.

Today (April 9th) a group of us sang to an appreciative audience in Christ Church, Worthing where we had been invited to contribute to their programme of lunchtime 'concerts'. Thank you to our hosts for this opportunity.

In a few days time we will be making a return visit to sing at Petworth House on Sunday April 14th, where the National Trust has asked us back to share our songs and entertain visitors during the final day of their Spring Festival. You can see and hear us in the courtyard by the house at 11.30am and at 2.30pm.

A week later on a group of us will be at beautiful Firle Place on Sunday April 21st, for another return visit, to sing and continue our celebration of the Spring at this year's Garden Show there.  It's always a pleasure to sing in such lovely surroundings and we look forward to enjoying a glorious sunny day (fingers crossed)!

"Apple Blossom Day" will be happening the Sunday after (April 28th) in Stanmer Village, one of a number of seasonal events they hold there each year, and our group will be singing in the Orchard again at 1.15 and again at 4.00pm.  

And there's more ..... on Sunday May 5th we will be up on the hills above Keymer at Oldland Mill for their Open Day.  Another beautiful site and a splendidly renovated Sussex windmill to celebrate for it's own sake - AND another opportunity to enjoy singing and sharing our songs with all.

Then on Saturday May 18th, starting at about 10.30am, we are hoping to have an open-air Open Session to simply sing for ourselves outdoors for the simple pleasure of it, on Highdown Hill, west of Worthing.  All weather permitting of course - so watch this space for any possible changes to plans. 

Thereafter we look towards the rest of the summer and beyond - so keep an eye on our Diary Dates page and again - "Watch This Space"for more news and updates!  

Monday, April 8, 2024

Worthing Local Group Report - Thursday April 4th 2024

We welcomed another new singer in the thirty-three of us at the Barn this month.  In celebration of the lengthening evening daylight after the clocks changed over Easter, our evening included songs with a springtime theme and featured those proposed for the next two SDFS public events (in Christ Church, Worthing on April 9th and at Petworth House on the 14th). Emily took the lead but at intervals invited Amaryllis and Alan (our leads for the above events) to contribute with their direction of some songs. We opened with  “On Sussex Hills”  then moved on with "It is the First of May" and the “May Day Carol”.   Alan has suggested “The Cuckoo”  for Petworth, one we have not sung for a while so some revisiting and relearning was needed for the pace, particularly for the longer notes towards the end of the verses.  Unease with the sombre last verse resulted in the decision to repeat the first verse at the end, to conclude the song with a more positive mood. There was light hearted experiment with ‘cuckoo” calls over the ending of the song - but Alan, and others, preferred not to add this to our performance at Petworth.  "Summer is A’ coming In Again” had another enjoyable airing using Alan’s new verses (which have been approved by the song’s original writer) to replace the last two verses.  Note was made of the slowing pace in the very last line of the song.  “Oak, Ash and Thorn” was requested before we took a breather and a break.  

We resumed with “When Spring Comes In” followed by “ Ladies Go Dancing at Whitsun”.   At Emily’s suggestion Amaryllis led us in “Green Grow the Laurels”  to demonstrate the song's narrative and moods in our singing - concluding with an emphatic last verse and a triumphant final chorus!  “Hard Times of Old England” with men and women together was an interval before going back to the spring with "Hal ’n’ Tow”, with the extra verse Emily had found for the start of the song.  (The words for this can be found on the "Other Songs to Try” page on our Blog.)  Alan confirmed he would like to use this lengthened version of the song at Petworth, including the spontaneous hand-claps offered by some singers to punctuate the pauses the choruses. Time was by then already running out after a busy evening, but we found time to conclude with the “Parting Song” - and finally Alan’s appeal that singers for Petworth use the Blog recordings to run though “Searching for Lambs” and "My Downland Remembered’” at home in readiness for the 14th.    A late finish but an enjoyable and productive evening -thanks all!   


(P.S. - Our next Worthing session on May 2nd will be held in the Church next to the Barn)